Support Bandcamp Fridays & shameless self-promotion

BC on BC
Because I’ve made the commitment to launch this blog (which means I need content) and want to promote three artists in particular while bashfully sharing some of my own design work—here’s a sincere attempt to champion a once-per-month event allowing independent labels and musicians to earn 100% of their Bandcamp sales. Bandcamp Fridays started in 2020 as a reaction to lost-revenue or canceled tours due to Covid-19 restrictions, with the site waiving all fees each first Friday and proved so wildly successful for all involved (Bandcamp, artists, and fans) it will continue throughout 2021. (And yes, I still design from time to time.)
It’s been a bit over a year since the long-overdue cessation of my eMusic subscription as many of my most beloved labels such as Glitterbeat/Earthbeat, _Anti, Soundway, etc. abandoned eMusic and could most often be found on Bandcamp. As it’s unlikely I’ll purchase vinyl or a compact disc willingly in my lifetime, and would rather give the likes of Apple and Amazon as little disposable income as possible, Bandcamp is more often than not my first stop because I’m OK with supporting musicians through making a purchase of an actual album.

Who to follow and support on Bandcamp according to Lucija

I’ve been fortunate enough to listen to music by the artists below as part of my design process for their creations and am more than happy to send well-deserved love (and hopefully sales) their way. 

Beth Custer

The immensely-talented Beth Custer and I have been BFFs since the late-80s and have worked together on and off over the years. Clarinets, saxophones, keyboards, compositions, and voice are a just a smattering of her many talents, and I know no other who works as hard as she. (Fun fact: I also officiated her wedding…) Our recent collaborations lead me to…

Kokoku The Band

Managed by Beth Custer’s frequent film collaborator Cathy Lee Crane. File under lo-fi 80s punk-femme folk. (I really wanted the photo of the trio in their quaint mom jeans on the cover but listened to the client 😉 )


Anaphoria lives in the expansive brain of NSW-based Kraig Grady where he continues to create experimental intonational textures and sounds. Oddly, he’s the only person I’ve ever known to ship massive, self-built and toned mallet-based instruments across continents.

So, mark your calendars—the first Bandcamp Friday takes place on February 5th from 12:00am to 11:59pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) and will continue every first Friday of the month throughout 2021. (Note to self and others in the EU: wait until at least 10AM CET to purchase…). is here! It only took 20 years but I finally did it!

Split Riva NYE
Introducing and an admission about procrastination…
It was either in 2000 or 2001 when I used a DSL connection to bring up either Network Solutions or GoDaddy to purchase the domain name Lucija, under the impression there would eventually be a design portfolio to show off. This was a time when flat HTML pages ruled, CSS and webfonts were out of my peripheral vision, and truthfully, creating a vanity website to call my own was a technical headache for me. Oh, the curse of being a learning-differenced perfectionist!

Eventually I would embrace the splendors of using CSS and CSS Frameworks in Dreamweaver, the introduction of webfonts to remove Verdana and Arial from my typography preferences, and slowly jump on the WordPress bandwagon (only many of the themes left me frustrated). So did the potential of a portfolio consisting of mostly Page Flow Diagrams in Onmigraffle or Interaction and UI designs under NDAs. The redirect from to an page continued and continued…

Over the years I bought theme after theme including a couple of licenses for Jupiter and Oshine (managed at least one site with the latter), dismal attempts at Designmodos’ Slides and Qards, but a completely satisfying experience creating a musical journal with 15Zine (stellar support, btw). I’d download a Jupiter 5/6/X template here and there over the past five years only to be frustrated with the lack of control over presentation (which I can only blame on that useless case of perfectionism on my part). Excuses for not completing this site were as plentiful as hot outrigger canoeists at the Queen Liluokalani race in Kona.

Running out of excuses I decided to sit down, buckle up, and force myself to make sense of Jupiter X and Elementor. It helps I found a purpose for the “blog” as a means to document the projects that bring me joy and satisfaction (sewing and knitting) with scattered design jobs here and there; and to document this gorgeous location I’ve settled in.

Welcome to my site and enjoy the ride,  xo L